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  • Daily Readers PLUS - Level 5 + 聆聽語音(網上版)


Help your students become lifelong readers of English!

Reading is a means to help students seek information, develop thinking skills and enrich knowledge. Students should read widely, develop good reading habits and be motivated to read for pleasure. Reading a wide range of text types with different themes and the appropriate level will help sustain students’ interests.

Daily Readers can effectively develop students’ reading habits, improve their reading skills, and acquire vocabulary and grammatical knowledge in context.

Key features include:

  • Text types: at least 3 different authentic text types are introduced each week
  • 50 units: 50 stimulating units are designed for students to read for one half-term
  • Vocabulary bank: students can improve their vocabulary systematically
  • Challenging questions : students get ample opportunities to develop the essential reading skills required for academic success
  • Liberal Studies tasks : provide students with cross-curricular learning opportunities and enhance student’s creativity, issue-enquiry, critical thinking, problem-solving and information technology skills
  • Reading strategies section: students develop their skills to interpret, understand and analyze a wide range of text types with different themes
  • E-Learning and multi-media support for teachers and students

Learning schedule ( Level 1 to Level 6)

Series Plus contain 50 stimulating units are designed for students to read for half-term

At least 3 different authentic text types are introduced each week

Vocabulary bank:

Students can improve their vocabulary systematically

Reading strategies section: students develop their skills to interpret, understand and analyze a wide range of text type s with different themes

Liberal Studies Task:

Provide students with cross-curricular learning opportunities and enhance student’s creativity, issue-enquiry, critical thinking, problem-solving and information technology skills

Challenging questions:

Give students practice of the essential reading skills required for success in the HKDSE English Language examination

E-learning and multi-media support for teachers and students

Editor-in-chief: Professor Lilian L.Y. Chan (陳呂令意 教授)

Professor Lilian Chan has extensive English Language teaching, school management and administration experience. She is the Director of Perpetual Parents Education & Resource Centre, and the manager of a primary school and secondary school in Hong Kong.

Lilian was the Principal of a government secondary school, government-aided primary school, as well as the founding Principal of the first secondary and primary through-train school affiliated to a university in Hong Kong. Lilian has also conducted various professional development programmes for teachers at the University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University and HKIED for over 16 years. Lilian is also a frequent speaker at conferences and workshops for teachers and parents.

Daily Readers PLUS - Level 5 + 聆聽語音(網上版)

  • HK$120.00

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