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  • Easy Grammar 1 (with answer key)


Easy Grammar is a series of three grammar exercise books especially designed for Hong Kong secondary students. Easy Grammar 1 is easy to use and provides thorough practice using a variety of contextualised exercises. All the books follow the
requirements of the Curriculum Development Committee’s Syllabus for English for secondary schools in Hong Kong and can be used as a supplement to any English course.

The series has the following key features:
• A wide variety of contextualised exercises
• Interesting and simple warm-up exercises
• Clear and systematic explanations of grammar points
• Grammar boxes to emphasise structure and usage
• Graded exercises with a smooth progression between exercises
• Lively illustrations and attractive layout
• Revision exercises for consolidation and evaluation
• A separate Answer Book

Easy Grammar 1 (with answer key)

  • Brand: Pearson
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$252.00

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