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  • Young Scientist Box Set 2020 (10 Books) L3


“The Young Scientists” series fascinates children & teens into the world of learning! They will never be out of sync with STEM education!

In the light of the global trends in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education, as evidenced by the US White House State-Federal STEM Education Summit held in June 2018 and by the fact that STEM education has been highlighted in all five HKSAR Policy Addresses since 2015, KEA Learning International Ltd gladly introduces to HK students the acclaimed “The Young Scientists” series by the renowned Singapore-based educational publisher Young Scientists Reader Pte Ltd.  

The series features well-captioned, enthralling comics and incisive elucidation of profound scientific concepts.  Students can hone their scientific & logical reasoning through enjoyable reading, and acquire interdisciplinary insights.  Due to certain resemblance in the scientific curricula in HK & Singapore, the series has attracted remarkable interest from parents and teachers in the region.

Other merits include:

● Four learning levels, suitable for both primary and junior secondary students

● Editorial staff and consultants comprising of experienced teachers and expert educators

● Richly detailed illustrations fostering students’ eagerness to learn and their memory

● Diverse topics covering daily scientific knowledge, latest sci-tech insights, captivating scientific experiments, entrancing scientific discoveries, etc., conducive for enhancing creative & critical scientific thinking

● The international mindedness of Singapore, especially among its East Asian peers

Young Scientist Box Set 2020 (10 Books) L3

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  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • HK$500.00

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