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  • Complete Exam Practice for the HKDSE (Edge) (Sets 5-8)


Complete Exam Practice for the HKDSE Edge provides students with comprehensive practice of all the key skills and formats they will need to excel in the HKDSE English Language exam. Key features include:
-4 complete sets of practice papers for Papers 1–4
-content analysed against the HKDSE Level Descriptors
-content graded against the latest HKDSE papers at progressive levels of difficulty
-a separate Reading Passages booklet with authentic texts for Paper 1
-questions for all eight Electives in each Paper 2
-a separate Data File booklet for Paper 3
-eight Individual Response questions for each Paper 4

Complete Exam Practice for the HKDSE (Edge) (Sets 5-8)

  • Brand: Pearson
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HK$217.00

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