Grammar Explained 1-3 (Second Edition) teaches and tests the grammar needed by secondary students in an easy to follow and systematic format. The series follows the requirements of the Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council’s Syllabus for Secondary English. Books 1-3 can be used as a motivating supplement to any English course written for Hong Kong students and are suitable for classroom or home study use.
Each book offers:
• clear and simple explanation of the grammar points
• numerous contextualised exercises to enhance clearer understanding
• numerous structured exercises for reinforcement
• revision exercises for consolidation
• activities which encourage the development of language competency
• a lively and stimulating approach to the teaching and learning of grammar
Each book offers:
• clear and simple explanation of the grammar points
• numerous contextualised exercises to enhance clearer understanding
• numerous structured exercises for reinforcement
• revision exercises for consolidation
• activities which encourage the development of language competency
• a lively and stimulating approach to the teaching and learning of grammar