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  • Longman English Edge JS1B Vocabulary Booster


Longman English Edge Vocabulary Boosters support the Longman English
Edge Student Books. They aim to provide a user-friendly and meaningful means of recording, learning and reviewing vocabulary from and related to the Student Books.

In each Vocabulary Booster, you will find:
-target vocabulary items presented in context (includes all the vocabulary items from the Vocabulary Roundup section of the Student Books)
-a short paragraph showing the use of selected target vocabulary items in each unit
-extra vocabulary items (not included in the Student Books) for each unit
-useful phrases linked to each unit theme
-audio recordings of key words and phrases
-a vocabulary building summary
-a useful HKDSE Elective word list

Longman English Edge JS1B Vocabulary Booster

  • 品牌: Pearson
  • 庫存狀態: 有現貨
  • HK$44.00

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